Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2000 miles from the end of the week

So, I'm sitting here trying to remember everything I need to do.  I've made lists.  I've yet to make lists of my lists, but I'm getting ready to.

It's crazy how much you save up, just in case.  In case of what?  I don't know... in case Walmart   disappears?  In case I run out of the other 4 rolls of tin foil?  I guess I just wasn't planning on going anywhere.  A lovely friend of mine picked up several pounds of sugar today.  I had purchased it for canning.  She will be canning peaches next week.  Good timing, I suppose.  I didn't want to move it, she didn't need to purchase it.  It's been a few weeks of that.  Unhanding the things I wont be needing.  Of course, there is the emergency preparedness water.  You know, the gallons and gallons you need per person, per day, here in earthquakie California.  That, with it's wonderful "bleach as a preservative" oh so fresh smell, will be dumped down the drain.  Taking those empty bottles with me.  I guess out there, it's the frozen pipes and power outages that cause the water pumps in your well not to work that one must look out for.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The begining of something new

Here we are, two and a half weeks from moving.  Not just any move, mind you.  A move of two thousand miles.  I've never been the adult responsible for such a move.  If only my parents were still with us I'd have someone to ask all my packing questions.  I have no idea how we ended up with so much stuff.  The papers!  Oh, the ridiculous amounts of paper!  I think we have a whole forests worth of paper in this house.  I'm so glad that most places are doing paperless billing now!

While packing here, we are also trying to figure out what will fit there.  You may notice that my location says Michigan, but we are not there yet.  Two and a half weeks.  Well, that's when we're leaving.  We will be driving across country.  It will be great seeing a swath of the county with the kids.  They've always flown.  Anyway, it's like some great puzzle, trying to figure out the furniture et al.  So many things require you to be there to really be effective.